Newsletter Archive
Newsletter N° 2/13 - Stability Law
L. 228/2012 has re-opened terms for the revaluation of equity investments and land owned as at January the 1st 2013, and introduced from March the 1st so called Tobin Tax.Download Revaluation of land and equity, and considerations about Tobin Tax
Newsletter N°1/13 - Innovative Start Up
In force as of January 2, 2013 regarding the discipline Innovative Start Up, one of the themes formalized with the final approval of the Development Decree Bis.
All requirements and facilities provided are collected and analyzed in the guide attached.
Download Innovative Start Up
Newsletter N ° 10/12 - New financing instruments for SMEs
New financing instruments for SMEs is the subject of the Newsletter n°10/12.Download New financing instruments for SMEs
Newsletter N°9/12 : News L.134-2012 Solidary Liability Contracts
Solidary liability contracts is the subject of the Newsletter N° 9/12.Download Newsletter N° 9/12: Responsabilità Solidale Appalti Novità della L.134-2012
Newsletter N° 7/12 : Italian Development Decree
New instruments of Bankruptcy Law is the subject of the Newsletter n°7/12.Download Newsletter N° 7/12 - Decreto Sviluppo: Nuovi Strumenti per il Superamento della Crisi d'Impresa